AKA: Cigars; Round Scad
Hardiness: 8/10
Acquired by:
- Multi hook rig fishing using R&R PGF, RF, RGF, and SH Rigs with a 1 oz weight.
Eaten by:
- Sailfish
- Blackfin Tuna
- Kingfish
- Mahi
- Black Grouper
- Red Grouper
- Wahoo
- Barracuda
- Amberjack
- Mutton Snapper
- Red Snapper
Preferred for:
- Casting to Mahi
They are related to Google Eye although much smaller. They are not usually sold by bait fisherman and we almost always stop for them on the way out. They are usually pretty easy to catch in bulk and are great baits for casting due to their weight and their hardiness.